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30 Strong CBD Statistics & Facts for a More Resilient 2024


cbd statistics

30 Strong CBD Statistics & Facts for a More Resilient 2024

The term cannabidiol (CBD) is becoming a household name in today’s world. CBD statistics show that over the last few years, there have been discoveries by researchers and testimonies from users about CBD products’ effectiveness in treating various health issues. 

Different countries have given the green light on CBD for medical and therapeutic purposes by legalizing cannabis with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content less than 0.3%. Today, you can find CBD in pills, capsules, tinctures, edibles, topicals, vape juice, etc.

In case you’re still in the dark about all things CBD, just keep on reading to learn more.

Top 10 Stats and Facts About CBD

  • 55% of all CBD users are females.
  • The global CBD market could be worth $16.32 billion by 2026.
  • North America remains the region with the highest use of CBD in recent years.
  • In America, over a third of all CBD usage is motivated by pain treatment.
  • CBD is the second most prevalent active ingredient found in cannabis.
  • CBD can help reduce the level of dependency on cigarettes and nicotine.
  • Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects.
  • Cannabis contains over 100 cannabinoids.
  • CBD can help in the treatment of epilepsy.
  • CBD can help treat anxiety and depression.

General CBD Facts and Stats

1. Cannabis contains over 100 cannabinoids.

(Healthline) (CNET)

Though THC and CBD are the most common cannabinoids present around us, over a hundred other cannabinoids are found in cannabis. One of the most curious CBD fun facts is that scientists have so far been able to isolate no fewer than 108 different cannabinoids from this plant.

2. CBD is the second most prevalent active ingredient found in cannabis.

(Harvard Health Publishing) (The UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative)

The plant contains various chemical compounds encompassed under one name—cannabinoids. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the most prevalent cannabinoid found in cannabis and is famous for its psychoactive effect on the brain. 

CBD, on the other hand, is known for its therapeutic properties. Among the less-known CBD facts is that there are also other popular forms of cannabinoids found in cannabis, such as cannabinol (CBN), delta-9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), cannabigerol (CBG), etc.

3. CBD is the most crucial compound of medical marijuana.

(Harvard Health Publishing)

Different forms of research have revealed that CBD has multiple medicinal benefits, such as antipsychotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-epileptic, anti-anxiety, and antioxidant characteristics. It’s also been found to relieve the symptoms of various conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis. These are some of the biggest reasons behind the noticeable increase in CBD sales in the past few years.

4. CBD oil is made by mixing CBD extract with carrier oils.


This oil is produced by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant. Afterwards, the extract is combined with a carrier oil, such as hempseed and coconut oil. 

5. So far, no health-related issues associated with the use of CBD have been recorded.

(WHO) (ResearchGate)

Every day we learn more and more about the CBD oil industry and this highly versatile product, thanks to the fact that it keeps being meticulously researched. Cannabidiol is reportedly safe for consumption: several doses (up to 1500 mg daily) have been tested without health problems. Although certain side effects, such as dry mouth, light-headedness, and drowsiness can indeed occur, there’s no serious cause for concern. However, nursing mothers and pregnant women are advised to avoid CBD, since the research and information on its effect of pregnancy is still insufficiently conclusive.

6. When comparing alcohol and tobacco usage to CBD usagestatistics show that CBD is less addictive.

(CannaHealth) (WHO)

More precisely, 32% of people who start using tobacco become dependent on it. This figure sits at 15% for alcohol, and 9% for marijuana. CBD seems to not have any addiction-inducing characteristics, as stated by WHO. What’s more, it has also been found to limit the dependence on marijuana, tobacco, opioids, etc.

7. CBD can help reduce the level of dependence on cigarettes and nicotine.

(CannaHealth) (Weedmaps)

In a 2013 study which tested CBD benefits and effectiveness in treating cigarette addiction, 24 smokers were placed under observation. Half the subjects were given a CBD inhaler, while the other half got a placebo one. After a week, the cigarette consumption in the group with CBD inhalers was reduced by 40%, whereas those with placebo inhalers exhibited no notable decrease.

8. CBD extract can sometimes be associated with an overpowering or unpleasant taste.

(ECHO Connection)

Since it’s natural, unaltered with other ingredients, the extract may taste grassy, earthy, or bitter. However, CBD companies are constantly coming up with great new ways to mask that taste without inhibiting the products’ effectiveness.

9. Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects.


One of the most important facts about CBD oil you should know is that it doesn’t trigger any form of “high” feeling. Higher levels of THC are responsible for that psychoactive influence often associated with marijuana consumption. 

For example, Colorado-grown marijuana is known to contain about 18.5% of THC on average, and can even go over 30%. CBD products available in the US, however, legally can’t contain more than 0.3% of THC and therefore don’t have any psychoactive effects. 

CBD Usage Statistics

10. CBD use is most frequent among people aged 18–34.

(HelloMD) (SingleCare)

Also, CBD statistics reveal that the percentage of people using CBD products keeps reducing as we grow older. For example, according to a Gallup survey from 2019, 8% of the 65+ age group used CBD products, while with the 18–29 age group the numbers were higher—20%.

11. As CBD user demographics indicate, 55% of all users are females.


Stats on CBD oil sales have shown an increasing demand for CBD products by the female gender. Most of this demand stems from CBD’s ability to ease stress, anxiety, depression, and even pain.

12. Over a third of people use CBD for anxiety and depression.

(Healthline) (Health Europa)

In 2017, about 3.8% of the world’s population struggled with anxiety. In linking such data specifically to CBD, health statistics indicate that 37% of people who use CBD do so to treat anxiety. What’s more, a study by the Permanente Journal showed that 79% of the people who participated experienced noticeable improvements with CBD. 

Facts on CBD Benefits

13. CBD may help reduce acne.


Acne occurs when our skin pores are clogged by the mixture of sebum and dirt on the skin, dead skin cells, etc. It can also be triggered by stress, medication, nutrition, hormonal imbalance, and excess sebum production. However, CBD supplement facts show that the use of CBD, with its antibacterial and antifungal properties, can help limit your body’s production of excess sebum, and therefore its contact with dirt and dead skin cells.

14. CBD is suitable for long-term use. 

(Science Daily)

CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant. This makes it 100% natural, and fit for both long-term and short-term consumption. However, especially with long-term use, it’s recommended to consult a doctor first. 

15. CBD can help treat epilepsy.

(Drugs) (Epilepsy Foundation)

Epilepsy is another area where experts are investing plenty of effort, specifically when it comes to researching the benefits of CBD in its treatment, and significant progress has indeed been made. According to CBD oil facts for 2018, the FDA officially approved Epidiolex (a CBD-based drug) for the treatment of seizures in people with Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (two forms of epilepsy), who are at least two years old.

16. CBD may be able to ease certain symptoms of arthritis.

(Harvard Health Publishing)

Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis affect the joints, causing stiffness, pain, and inflammation. If you’re among those suffering from arthritis, one of the CBD facts that would probably intrigue you the most is that this chemical compound is currently also being tested for its potential ability to affect how our pain receptors respond to stimuli. There are also studies which indicate that CBD may have prominent anti-inflammatory properties and therefore be able to prevent swelling and stiffness of the joints.

17. CBD can help with autism management.

(Canna Health) (Autism Parenting Magazine)

Autism affects one in every 160 children worldwide, and there’s currently no cure for it. However, many people’s testimonies state that CBD has a significant effect on autism-induced behaviors such as aggression or self-injurious tendencies, stress, seizures, etc.

18. CBD can have positive effects on sleep.


Various factors, ranging from physical to mental and environmental ones, can cause a serious lack of sleep. However, facts about CBD benefits show that CBD can help treat certain root causes of insomnia, thereby helping you sleep better. 

19. CBD can help reduce cancer-related symptoms.


While there’s no unambiguous evidence that CBD can help treat cancer, plenty of research does show its effectiveness in relieving cancer symptoms and side effects caused by cancer treatment. CBD might be able to reduce chemotherapy-related nausea, vomiting, and pain, according to CBD facts. Certain studies have also suggested that cannabidiol might help fight cancer cells. Doubtlessly, far more research is still needed on this.

CBD Usage and CBD Sales by State

20. North America remains the region with the highest use of CBD in recent years.

(Med Gadget)

The presence of both Canada and the US in the North American CBD market over the past few years has helped ensure that the continent remains the most significant driving force in the global CBD market. The accessibility of CBD-based products both in-store and online is also helping in driving sales in the region, as shown by CBD sales statistics.

21. 14% of Americans state that they use CBD products.

(Gallup) (SingleCare)

While 14% is the active number of US citizens using various CBD products regularly, a most recent survey conducted by SingleCare reveals that 33% of Americans claim to have used one form of CBD product or another. 

22. In America, over a third of all CBD usage is motivated by pain treatment.


According to CBD facts, in 2019, 40% of the users in the US were motivated by pain treatment. Another 20% used CBD for easing anxiety, while 11% relied on it for reducing insomnia.

23. The Asia Pacific CBD product market is forecasted to reach $3.10 billion by 2026.

(Globe News Wire)

This region shows a growing need to include CBD in various food items due to their health benefits. This has led to multiple deals and partnerships between different firms in this specific CBD market. 

An influx of new CBD-based products is therefore expected, which will further boost the region’s CBD market growth. As revealed by the CBD sales representatives in the Asia Pacific region, this market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 29.5% between 2019 and 2026.

24. China is the world’s largest cannabis exporter.

(World’s Top Exports)

In 2019 alone, the world’s total cannabis export reached $2.9 billion. According to reports, China accounted for $964 million, or 33.4% of the total amount.

25. In 2019, approximately 89% of all US hemp imports came from Canada.

(New Frontier Data)

Since the passing of the Farm Bill that legalized hemp cultivation in America in 2018, hemp import rates underwent certain shifts. For instance, by 2015, the total hemp importation market in the US had reached $75.89 million. However, in 2019, this figure was lower–$66.6 million.

CBD Industry Statistics

26. The global CBD market could be worth $16.32 billion by 2026.

(Globe News Wire)

Interestingly enough, the global CBD market analysis for 2018 revealed that the market was worth much less back then—$1.04 billion. This striking change implies a CAGR of 27.7% from 2019 to 2026, due to the high demand for CBD products globally. Also, the legalization of CBD by various countries helps drive the demand for CBD-infused products, thereby increasing the global CBD market size.

27. The therapeutics grade is expected to hold the largest market share.

(Globe News Wire)

As CBD statistics indicate, this specific grade of the CBD market is expected to hit $9.3 billion by 2026, while also growing at a CAGR of 27.4%. This makes therapeutics the most significant market shareholder when compared to other areas where CBD plays an important role.

28. The global CBD beverage market could be worth over $1.4 billion by 2023.

(Zenith Global)

The beverage industry is another aspect where CBD has found extensive usage in recent times, as revealed by stats on direct, in-store, and online CBD sales. Today, CBD can be infused in different beverage products, such as beer or soda. Adding CBD to drinks consumed every day makes its consumption much easier.

29. CBD has exhibited 100% effectiveness in the treatment of migraines.

(Canna Health)

There isn’t enough research to explain how CBD can help heal migraines, but there are studies showing its efficiency in pain headache treatment. For example, in a 2015 study, after consuming CBD, all the participants affected by migraines and headaches experienced relief.

30. Application-wise, the fibromyalgia market segment is forecasted to become the highest CBD market shareholder by 2026.

(Globe News Wire)

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition accompanied by bone- and muscle-pain. CBD is therefore often utilized in its treatment. According to CBD industry growth statistics, the fibromyalgia market segment is expected to hit $4.24 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 28.3% between 2018 and 2026. 


What is CBD?

Cannabidiol is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. It belongs in the group of chemicals found in cannabis which are known as cannabinoids, and each cannabinoid has its own features. CBD specifically doesn’t have psychoactive characteristics, and is well-known for its (still researched and debated) ability to act as a natural remedy in treating various ailments such as chronic pain, anxiety, depression, etc.

How is CBD different from THC?

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is another compound found in cannabis. While CBD is known for its non-psychoactive features, THC, on the other hand, is famous for its psychoactive effects and ability to make consumers “feel high”. Both chemical compounds belong to cannabinoids.

Does CBD oil contain THC?

Hemp-derived oil contains roughly 0.3% of THC.  There are three types of CBD hemp extract: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate. The level of THC is the highest in full-spectrum CBD extract (up to 0.3%), whereas isolate contains no THC.

What is CBD isolate?

CBD isolate is the purest form of hemp extract. Not only does it not contain THC, but it actually excludes every other kind of cannabinoid as well.

What is full-spectrum CBD oil?

Full-spectrum CBD oil refers to a product containing hemp extract that has retained all of the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant in varying quantities.

How does CBD affect immunity?

When consumed, CBD attaches itself to the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is responsible for maintaining the state of biological balance in the body, including its function. According to CBD oil facts, cannabidiol can use its properties to trigger ECS responses that can help boost immunity. For example, when we are stressed, and our body produces excess cortisol, CBD’s anti-stress properties kick in to help bring the body back to balance via the ECS. 


Owing to its numerous health and wellness features, the use of cannabidiol has been increasing across various industries over the past few years. This has also led to a massive demand for the cannabis plant and its by-products globally, which is also confirmed by various CBD statistics. There’s also an increasing need for CBD-based products to help people suffering from ailments such as chronic pain, epilepsy, migraines, etc. Although more research still needs to be conducted on CBD and its effects, there’s no doubt that its future’s bright as it’s gradually being integrated into the global health sector.
