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50 Remarkable Diabetes Statistics That Everybody Must Know


diabetes statistics

50 Remarkable Diabetes Statistics That Everybody Must Know

With symptoms that are so hard to catch, diabetes sneaks up on people unexpectedly. Every day, more and more children are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes—which risks growing into type 2. The diabetes statistics clearly show that despite the best efforts of medical experts worldwide, this is a major medical concern.

When we compare the current statistics against earlier ones, we see that the rate at which people are being diagnosed with diabetes is only growing, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. In fact, the numbers are drastically increasing despite everything being done to control them. 

Below are some of the most frightening statistics about the current state of diabetes around the globe.

The Top 10 Diabetes Statistics and Facts

  • Approximately 90% of all people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes.
  • The 75–79-year-old age group is most affected by diabetes. 
  • 232 million people who have diabetes are undiagnosed.
  • 28.3% of individuals with IGT (impaired glucose tolerance) are between 20 and 39 years old.
  • The US has more people above 65 years old with diabetes than India.
  • Type 2 diabetes statistics from 2019 reveal that the proportion of people with type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide. 
  • 47.6 million people with diabetes live in the North American and Caribbean region.
  • In 2017, 208,000 children under 20 years old had diabetes in the US. 
  • The number of children under 15 diagnosed with type 1 diabetes is increasing by 3% yearly.
  • By 2045, the number of people with diabetes will be as high as 700 million.

General Diabetes Statistics

Diabetes is a serious health problem that’s spreading like wildfire around the globe. This is partly due to the population’s easy access to unhealthy food and the sedentary lifestyle encouraged by modern technology.

A deteriorating disease on its own, diabetes also comes with numerous complications that are a leading cause of mortality and disability. Below are some general statistics on the condition from around the world. 

1. One of the most frightening facts about diabetes is that every 7 seconds someone dies from this disease or the complications it can bring. 


What’s more, a full half of these deaths were among patients younger than 60 years of age. These frightening numbers are based on the 2017 Diabetes Atlas by the International Diabetes Federation. 

2. In 2019, 463 million people between the ages of 20 and 79 years have diabetes.


According to diabetes statistics worldwide from 2019, nearly half a billion people are living with this disease. Unfortunately, this number continues to rise as more people are diagnosed daily. 

3. Between 2000 and 2019, the proportion of people with diabetes has increased from 4.6% of the global population to 9.3%.

(Diabetes Atlas)

The IDF Atlas provides a yearly report on the current state of diabetes, starting with its first publication in 2000. The diabetes stats reveal that the presence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes (diagnosed and undiagnosed) among adults between the ages of 20 and 79 has tripled in number, from 151 million to 463 million today. 

4. By 2030, 75–79-year-olds will represent the age group most affected by diabetes. 


Currently, the prevalence of diabetes among 75 to 79-year-olds is 19.9%. These numbers are expected to increase to 20.5% by 2030, according to the IDF’s diabetes facts sheet. An increase of less than 1% still means millions of people. The adult age group with the lowest diabetes rate is that of 20–24-year-olds, with only 1.4%. 

5. 232 million people that have diabetes are undiagnosed.

(Diabetes Atlas)

Many people who have diabetes don’t even know they have the disease. This number is just over half of the total 463 million people who have diabetes worldwide. 

6. More men have diabetes than women.

(Diabetes Atlas)

The diabetes statistics from 2019 reveal that the number of men with diabetes in 2019 was at 240.1 million (9.6%), while the number of women was slightly lower, at 222.9 million (9%). According to the IDF, these numbers will continue to rise, with the difference in prevalence remaining approximately the same over time.

7. The majority of people with diabetes live in urban areas, at 67%.

(Science Direct)

This reveals how the lifestyles, as well as the ready availability of unhealthy foods, in urban areas contribute to diabetes. However, the diabetes stats also indicate that the difference in prevalence rate between urban and rural areas (currently, 10.8% vs. 7.2%) has narrowed in the last few years. 

8. In 2019, diabetes made up 10% of the total medical spending among adults. 

(Retina Risk)

Currently, more than $760 billion is spent worldwide in diabetes-related health expenditures, representing a major increase over the last 10 years. The current expenditures are 4.9% greater than what was estimated as per the diabetes statistics worldwide in 2017

9. 352 million people with diabetes are between the ages of 20 and 64 years.

(Market Insider)

This represents three-quarters of the people with diabetes. The continuous increase in people with this disease is putting significant strains on countries trying to offer affordable access to the appropriate care and essential medicines. In turn, this not only puts pressure on the individuals suffering from diabetes and their ability to manage the disease, it also puts financial strain on a country’s economy because so many patients are of working age. 

Type 2 Diabetes Statistics

Due to the lack of symptoms in many individuals, type 2 diabetes often goes undiagnosed until it has progressed significantly. This is another reason why it’s so challenging to determine the onset of the disease. Although it shares many symptoms with type 1 diabetes, type 2 is at least notably less problematic in its presentation.

10. In the case of type 2 diabetes, statistics from 2019 reveal that the proportion of people with type 2 is continuously increasing in nearly all countries.

(Diabetes Atlas)

The proportion of type 2 diabetes continues to increase around the globe at drastic rates. These rising numbers are due to the interplay of genetic, environmental, demographic, and socioeconomic factors.

11. Approximately 90% of all people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. 

(Market Insider)

The leading causes of type 2 diabetes that contribute to such high numbers are the increased prevalence of obesity, decreased levels of activity, an aging population, and urbanization. However, for both type 2 and type 1 diabetes, statistics show that their medical impact can be reduced. This can be accomplished through better education, the adoption and support of a healthier lifestyle, and with the help of the right medication. What’s more, type 2 diabetes can be prevented – and some people may even experience remission. 

12. After an individual has been diagnosed with IFG and IGT, their chances of developing type 2 diabetes increase at an estimated rate of 50% and 26%, respectively.

(Diabetes Journals)

IGT (impaired glucose tolerance) and IFG (impaired fasting glucose) are strongly linked to the severity of type 2 diabetes. Although it goes hand in hand with other risk factors such as weight and age, diabetes facts reveal that it’s essential that anyone diagnosed with IFG or IGT be closely monitored for progression into diabetes.

13. 28.3% of individuals with IGT are between 20 and 39 years years old.

(Diabetes Atlas)

This is over one-quarter of all individuals with IGT. This means these individuals spend a good portion of their lives with the risk of type 2 diabetes looming over their heads. 

14. Because 43.7% of the general population in Europe is between 50 and 79 years old, this region has a high prevalence of type 2 diabetes. 

(Diabetes Atlas)

These numbers will continue to increase, and by 2030, approximately 47.7% of the European population will make up this age group. The diabetes statistics from 2018 and 2019 continue to reveal that by 2045, about 51.1% of Europeans will be in this at-risk age group, further driving up the type 2 diabetes numbers

15. The risk of cancer is increased by type 2 diabetes and a high body mass index.

(Diabetes Atlas)

The combination of a higher BMI and type 2 diabetes are linked to the increased risk of several common cancers. It is also important to note that of the common diabetes causes, a high body mass index is a major one.

16. Half of the people who have type 2 diabetes don’t have proper access to insulin. 


Unfortunately, these stats on diabetes are even higher in countries with low and middle incomes. In Africa, insulin is so limited and unaffordable that 86% of individuals with type 2 diabetes don’t have access to it. This, in turn, is the reason for the increased mortality rates in countries with low and middle incomes. 

17. From 2000 to 2010, insulin expenses for those with type 2 diabetes increased by 89% in the US.


These statistics reveal that this is the case even for individuals who are insured. The price for insulin went up from $40 to $130 per vial—and these vials only last for a couple of weeks. 

Diabetes Statistics Worldwide

The statistics worldwide are alarmingly high and continue to go up every year. Unsurprisingly, the continuous global increase in diabetes is found among the regions that have a lower income status. Usually this is due to the lower quality of food available, increased stress, and overall bad health habits. 

18. In 2017, 79% of adults with diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes lived in countries with low and middle incomes.

(Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice)

Numbers showing that the majority of people who live with diabetes reside in countries with low to middle incomes are an ongoing theme. The diabetes statistics from 2017 showed 79%, and currently this number has gone up slightly, to 79.4%. 

19. In the past 10 years, the projected number of people between the ages of 20 and 79 living with diabetes has increased by 62% worldwide.

(Science Direct)

The numbers jumped from 285 million in 2009 to 463 million today. Considering how dramatically high these estimations are, it’s even worse that more than half of these individuals don’t know they have diabetes. 

20. With 12.2% of the population in the Middle East and North Africa having diabetes, this region has the highest standardized diabetes prevalence worldwide.

(Science Direct)

More interesting facts about diabetes reveal that this region’s rates are expected to increase to 13.3% by 2030 and 13.9% by 2045. The rest of the African region has the lowest diabetes prevalence rate, at 4.7%, which is expected to increase to 5.1% by 2030 and 5.2% by 2045. 

21. Europe has the most children with type 1 diabetes when compared to other regional statistics.

(Diabetes Atlas)

Currently, there are approximately 296,500 children with type 1 diabetes in Europe. Every year, this number continues to increase by 31,100. This means Europe has the highest incidence as well. The facts about diabetes, type 1 specifically, further reveal that Sweden, Finland, and Norway are among the top five countries in terms of incidence rates among this age group. 

22. By the end of 2019, approximately 4.2 million adults between the ages of 20 and 79 will die from diabetes or complications from diabetes.

(Diabetes Atlas)

Another way to look at it, one person will die from diabetes every seven seconds. In fact, of all deaths in this age group worldwide, 11.3% of them were associated with diabetes. The facts about type 2 diabetes reveal that just over 46% of all deaths of those aged 20–79 are of people in the working-age group, under 60 years old. 

23. Globally, women are more likely to die from diabetes than men.

(Diabetes Atlas)

2.3 million deaths among women are associated with diabetes, compared to 1.9 million diabetes-related deaths among men. This has a lot to do with pregnancies and the risks associated with diabetes while pregnant or while giving birth. 

24. 136 million people above the age of 65 have diabetes.


Different regions have different prevalences of diabetes. This has a lot to do with rates of obesity and other diabetes statistics for these age groups across different regions. Overall income, general public health, and education about the prevention of diabetes also play a role. 

25. The North American and Caribbean region has the highest diabetes-related costs at $324.5 billion. 

(Diabetes Atlas)

For 2019, this number surpasses 42% of all expenditures related to diabetes. Second place is taken by the Western Pacific region, at 21.3% with $162.2 billion spent, and third is the European region, at 21.2% with $161.4 billion. Spending was considerably lower in most other regions, remaining relatively even since the relevant diabetes statistics from 2016 came out.

26.  In 2019, the highest expenditures associated with diabetes were among those aged 60–69 years, at $177.7 billion. 

(Diabetes Atlas)

Second on the list were 50–59-year-olds, at $173 billion, followed by 70–79-year-olds, with $171.5 billion. There are several reasons for these incredibly high numbers among these age groups. As for the primary reason, according to the CDC, diabetes statistics reveal that older age groups have an increased chance of complications related to diabetes. 

27. Women’s expenditures related to diabetes amounted to $382.6 billion in 2019. 

(Diabetes Atlas)

This number is higher than men’s expenditures, for whom $377.6 billion was spent related to diabetes. Higher expenses for women are expected to continue through 2030 and on. In fact, the numbers will be much higher by 2045. 

Diabetes Statistics in America

North America is among the leaders in child diabetes, with the US having the most frighteningly high numbers. The region also leads in diabetes-related expenditures. Sadly, with so many inexpensive, poor-quality food options, inactive lifestyles, and high obesity rates, the US also tops the charts in diabetes-related deaths. 

28. 224,900 children and adolescents in North America and the Caribbean Region have type 1 diabetes.

(Diabetes Atlas)

These type 1 diabetes facts put the North American and Caribbean region in second place worldwide based on the number of children with type 1 diabetes. The US itself is home to the highest number of children and adolescents under 19 years of age with type 1 diabetes, at 175,900, and it accounts for 78% of children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in the region. 

29. In 2019, the US spent an estimated $294.6 billion on diabetes-related health expenditures.


This puts the US in first place in expenditures. The National Diabetes Statistics Report for 2019 reveals that China follows, with $109 billion, and then Brazil, with $52.3 billion. Approximately 43% of all global diabetes-related expenditures take place in North America and the Caribbean.

30. The US has more people above 65 years of age with diabetes than India—for now.

(Diabetes Atlas)

Although the US is currently the leader here, by 2045, it’s predicted that India will surpass them. 

31. 11.8 million people in the US have diabetes but are undiagnosed. 

(Diabetes Atlas)

The Center for Disease Control has diabetes statistics ranking the total number of undiagnosed diabetes patients. The US ranks third in the world, with 38.1% of the population with diabetes going undiagnosed. India takes second with 57% going undiagnosed (43.9 million), and China takes first, with 65.2 million undiagnosed, making up 56% of all diabetes cases. 

32. In the US, the estimated cost of premature deaths directly related to diabetes is $19.9 billion every year.


Due to the estimated 227,000 diabetes-related deaths, the economy loses $19.9 billion annually according to the US diabetes statistics

33. The highest age-adjusted frequency of impaired glucose tolerance is in North America and the Caribbean, at a combined prevalence of 12.3%.

(Diabetes Atlas)

This is expected to continue to grow, reaching 13.8% by 2045, respectively. Currently, there are 55.5 million people with impaired glucose tolerance in this region, which will increase to 70.7 million by 2045. In the case of type 2 diabetes, the facts show that impaired glucose tolerance signifies a notable risk of this disease developing in the future. 

34. An estimated 47.6 million people who have diabetes live in the North American and Caribbean region. 

(Diabetes Atlas)

Of 47.6 million, 37.8% are undiagnosed (18 million). Approximately 13.3% of adults between the ages of 20 and 79 have diabetes. Most of the people with diabetes in this region, just over 80%, live in urban areas. Meanwhile, 71.5% are from high-income countries such as the United States. 

35. The total annual diabetes-related deaths in the United States are estimated to be 189,000.


The national diabetes statistics report that the US took first place worldwide for diabetes-related deaths in 2019. These aren’t new statistics either. Yearly, from 2009 until 2014, an average of 13% of individuals who were hospitalized due to diabetes-related complications died. 

36. The mean annual expenditures for diabetes was $9,506 per person in the US. 

(Diabetes Atlas)

Switzerland’s residents spend the most annually per diabetes patient. Comparatively, Canada’s expenses per patient are $4,397. The lowest in the North American and Caribbean region was in Haiti, at $142 per person.

Childhood Diabetes Statistics

The most unfortunate of all these statistics are those concerning children. With the continuous increase in childhood obesity, bad diet choices, and stagnant lifestyle, more and more children are diagnosed with diabetes worldwide. 

37. As of 2019, approximately 1.11 million children under 20 years of age have type 1 diabetes worldwide.

(MarketInsider, ScienceDirect)

Further estimations reveal that approximately 98,200 new cases of children under the age of 15 are being diagnosed with diabetes every year. If the maximum age is extended to include those who are 20 years old, the annual total of newly diagnosed children and youths reaches 128,900. One of the saddest facts about type 1 diabetes is that there are many countries with limited insulin access or a lack of adequate health services. The rates of premature mortality are high in these countries due to the many complications connected to diabetes.

38. In 2017, 208,000 children under 20 years old had diabetes in the US. 

(Medical News Today)

The National Institutes of Health revealed that 208,000 children and adolescents under the age of 20 were diagnosed with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes in the United States in 2017. 

39. The child type 2 diabetes statistics reveal that over 80% of children diagnosed with type 2 are overweight. 


What’s more disturbing is that 40% of children with type 2 diabetes are clinically obese. Although type 2 diabetes is rare in children, the population’s increased weight and poor lifestyle choices have drastically increased the number of type 2 diabetes diagnoses in children and adolescents under 20 years old. 

40. Finland, Sweden, and Kuwait have the highest incidences of type 1 diabetes per 100,000 children under 14 years old. 

(Diabetes Atlas)

Still, India, the US, and Brazil are the countries with the highest total number of children under 14 years old diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. This further shows that the United States diabetes statistics will continue to go up in future years. 

41. There’s been a 2%–5% increase in the incidence and prevalence of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes in many countries. 

(Diabetes Atlas)

The urbanization of rural areas is moving faster than the body’s genetic traits can adjust. The unhealthy food options introduced to these areas, where the onset of type 1 diabetes was much lower in the past, has drastically increased. It will likely continue to do so. 

42. Type 1 diabetes often occurs in children.


One of the most important and interesting facts about type 1 diabetes is that it can develop at any age, with a noteworthy frequency among those under the age of 20. It’s among the most common of all chronic diseases in children. Children may be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but rarely. The older they get, when obesity is more prevalent, type 2 diabetes becomes more and more common. 

43. There’s an estimated 3% annual increase in incidences of children under 15 years old being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. 

(Diabetes Atlas)

Although these numbers vary significantly from region to region, globally, as a whole, this is a serious concern. 

Statistics on Diabetes in the Future

The future of diabetes is sad, and the numbers don’t show signs of going down. In fact, they will continue to rise at frightening rates. 

44. The prevalence of diabetes is estimated to reach 11.9% in high-income countries by 2045.

(Science Direct)

For middle-income countries, this number is expected to be 11.8%, while in low-income countries, the prevalence of diabetes is expected to be 4.7%.

45. By 2045, the number of people with diabetes is projected to reach 700 million.


Currently in 2019, 463 million adults over 20 years old have diabetes. This number is expected to nearly double by 2045.

46. The diabetes stats from 2017 projected that the total number of adults with diabetes for 2045 would reach 628.6 million.


With every passing year, we see that the estimated figures are lower than the actual facts. If every year this estimation goes up, the numbers will be even more frightening.

47. Expenditures due to diabetes will reach $825 billion by 2030. 

(Diabetes Atlas)

This represents an increase of 8.6% in expenditure related to diabetes by 2030. By 2045, these numbers will go up to $845 billion. Diabetes facts from 2016 reveal that these numbers are an estimate at most—they assume that the per-person expenditures will stay the same throughout the years, even though these totals haven’t been consistent. 

48. An estimated 531.6 million people are projected to develop impaired glucose tolerance by 2045. 


Impaired glucose tolerance is considered the pre-stage of diabetes, and generally individuals who have it are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes later in life. Currently, 352.1 million people worldwide have impaired glucose tolerance (IGT).

49. There will be an estimated 51% increase in the number of people with diabetes by 2045.

(Science Direct)

The diabetes statistics worldwide from both 2018 and 2019 reveal that under half a billion people worldwide are living with diabetes today, both diagnosed and undiagnosed. By 2030 this number will go up by 25%, and by 2045 it will skyrocket by just over 50%.

50. By 2045, the African region will see a 143% increase in the number of people with diabetes.

(Diabetes Atlas)

Of all the regions, Africa will experience the highest increase in people with diabetes by 2045. By 2030, the numbers are projected to go up by 48%. The Middle East and North Africa region will experience a 96% increase by 2045, falling second in line. Conversely, Europe, at only 15%, has the least expected growth. 


What is type 1 diabetes?

It’s a chronic condition that’s caused by the pancreas not producing enough or any insulin. Insulin is the hormone responsible for allowing glucose into cells for the production of energy. Type 1 is also known as insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes. 

What is type 2 diabetes?

This type of diabetes is induced by high blood sugar, resistance to insulin, and lack of insulin. It is also known as adult-onset diabetes because it’s most prevalent in adults, although an increasing number of older children are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes due to obesity.

What causes diabetes?

Both types of diabetes have different causes. Type 1 diabetes is a result of the cells in the pancreas not producing insulin. With type 2, in most cases, the leading cause of diabetes is family history. However, other leading factors include obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, a bad diet, and increasing age. 

What is pre-diabetes?

Pre-diabetes means that your glucose levels are higher than they should be. This is the first stage in the development of type 2 diabetes, which will continue if blood levels aren’t improved. 

How can you tell if you have diabetes?

There are several symptoms of diabetes, but they can be so mild, they’re often overlooked. For those worried about how to know if you have diabetes, the common signs that should prompt you to visit a doctor are fatigue, frequent trips to the bathroom, excessive thirst, itchy skin, and blurred vision.

Are there ways to prevent diabetes?

Taking steps to prevent type 2 diabetes is crucial, especially if you’re at higher risk due to your family history. When it comes to how to prevent diabetes, some of the best ways include losing and keeping excess weight off, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and not smoking. It’s best to consult with your doctor about other changes you can make in your lifestyle to keep diabetes at bay.

How many people have diabetes?

As per the latest statistics for 2019, approximately 463 million people have diabetes worldwide. 

How common is gestational diabetes?

About 2%–5% of women who are pregnant develop gestational diabetes sometime over the course of their pregnancy. For future mothers with increased risk factors, this percentage may reach as high as 9%. 

How many Americans have diabetes?

According to the American Diabetes Association, over 30 million Americans have diabetes. Additionally, the 2019 Diabetes Atlas further notes that there are 31 million people in America with diabetes. 

How many people die from diabetes?

In 2019 alone, approximately 4.2 million adults over the age of 20 will die from diabetes and diabetes-related complications. 


As frightening as these numbers are, knowing they may sway more people to consider a healthier lifestyle that includes a better diet and more exercise gives them more import. Although type 2 diabetes is primarily caused by genetics, there are ways to prevent it. 

Unfortunately, even with this knowledge, many won’t, and the diabetes statistics will continue to look just as bleak, if not more so, than today. The only hope may be the gradually increasing popularity of organic foods and veganism, which seem to have a positive effect on the population’s overall health. Don’t become another statistic – consult with your doctor today about what steps you can take to prevent diabetes now. 



American Diabetes Association

American Diabetes Association

American Pregnancy Association


Diabetes UK


Diabetes Journals 

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice

European Society of Cardiology

European Society of Cardiology

European Society of Cardiology

Family Doctor


International Diabetes Federation

Market Insider


Medical News Today





Retina Risk

Science Direct


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